Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blackberry storm themes

The blackberry storm themes are very sophisticated and are designed to use the power effectively to allow longer battery life. And become a fashion statement and are popular among people of all age and countries. Themes can be easily exchanged amongst your peers with the use of Bluetooth or other storage devices.

Reviews some of my favorite blackberry storm themes:

-Tipsy: refers to how the icons react when you highlight them. Instead of going through some animation, they tip.

-OSXLike: OSXLike features two rows of four icons each on the Home Screen, giving it eight total. I’ve always been a fan of this because it takes the emphasis off the background image and puts it back on the theme’s functionality. That’s not for everyone of course, so keep it in mind if you’re eyeing this theme.

-iberry blocks: The Home Screen features four icons in the bottom dock, plus a whole Applications Menu above it. Like the iPhone, you can slide the icons away so you can see the wallpaper.

-Crack: Everything is easy to read, and much as I like it the theme features eight Home Screen icons. These sit below the wallpaper, which is, as one might imagine, an image of cracked glass with a computer chip behind it.

-In the know: the ability to slide out a page of applications in order to view the theme’s wallpaper. In The Know has the ability to slide the bottom dock icons, so you can fit more on the Home Screen. You’ve already got messages and calendar, because this is a TodayPlus theme. This means you have even more options when it comes to your bottom dock icons.

-BlockBerry : features up to 15 icons on the home screen. This might seem like an Applications Menu feature, but it’s not. BlockBerry has an Applications Menu, and like normal it is laid out in standard rows and columns. The Home Screen layout, however, features scrollable icons